Sunday, January 27, 2013


Cemetery Peonies 6 x 6
Started out painting a 20 x 14  with back lit trees and a nice pattern of sun on grass. Just could not get the trees to look right. Next time I see a painting with back lighting I will study it and appreciate it, it is not easy to convey. So after major amputation I decided I liked the lower right corner. 


  1. Thank you for your note on my pink rose! I really enjoyed looking at your great website! What a great cohesive body of good work you have to show for our 30 days! I think would love to visit Wild Rose, Wisconsin!Let's keep painting!

  2. Thanks Marilyn,You should visit Wild Rose in the summer when the roses are in bloom. It is a very small town but the residents do take pride in their roses! Just outside of Wild Rose is the Karner Blue State Meadow. Wild lupine grows there. It is a necessary food for the rare Karner Blue butterfly. How close to Wisconsin are you?


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